The case against eSports jerseys, in one (hastily edited) screenshot

I wouldn't necessarily say that Matt "Elegant" Fitzpatrick* is particularly beefy. I'd go with something more like "angular." But from the looks of things, he sure did pick the right sponsor:

That sick custom Luigi shirt he's wearing? Yeah - Beefy Smash Doods, his sponsor, made him that shirt. That's how "jerseys" should work in the FGC. Nobody's out here giving a shit about Rick Fox's team** or its zillion sponsors. We don't need Justin Wong to show up at any more tournaments looking like a fucking NASCAR vehicle. This should be about promoting the players, not the brands. I mean, you tell me, which of these sounds more like the dream to you?

  1. "When I get so good that I show up to tournaments in a shirt with me on it, that's when I'll know that I made it."
  2. "When I get so good that I show up to tournaments in a shirt with a bunch of corporate logos on it for companies that I don't give a shit about so that those companies can take advantage of my fans, that's when I'll know that I made it."

You're free to have your own opinion, but I'll take option 1 any day of the week. The standard eSports jersey goes against everything that the FGC stands for. Instead of giving us personality, originality, creativity, and swagger, it tries to sell us on bland, brain-dead, mass-produced conformity.

I mean, look, if the executive board of Talking Lizard Brand Car Insurance wants to start entering tournaments, those motherfuckers can slap as many logos on their shirts as they want to. Until then, though, let's at least try to celebrate the players for who they are - let's celebrate Elegant for his deft cyclone gimps and his gross throw combos, for example - and not try to turn them into a collection of ambulatory billboards.

*Fun fact! Did you know that the "Fitz-" prefix was once typically used to identify "illegitimate children of kings, princes, or general upper class men"? The English language is really fucking weird! Humans are really fucking weird!
**Obligatory: fuck Rick Fox and everybody else who played for the Lakers in that era.
