CapCup 2017 player profile: Sako

Some people are fans of Sako. But many other people are NOT fans of Sako. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.

Your player
Scarz | Sako


Personal history
As one of the Five Japanese Gods of fighting games, Sako brings an exceptional pedigree to this year's Capcom Cup. If Daigo is the god of anticipation and Tokido is the god of setups, Sako is the unchallenged god of execution. Just look at this ridiculous shit:

Or this ridiculous shit:

Or THIS ridiculous shit:

Or, y'know, this or this or even this. He's so good that he has combos NAMED AFTER HIM. If you hear someone saying that something is a "Sako combo," you know it's fucking hard (and I mean that METAPHORICALLY, Jay).

Okay, fine, but WHY IS HE SO CUTE?
There are a lot of adjectives that you could use to describe most fighting game players. You could even go so far as to say that they have a certain type of charisma. But nobody - NOBODY - in the scene is as adorable as Sako. Who else trains with their adorable babies and brings them to tournaments?

Who else has a natural affinity with woodland creatures?

I tell you, some guys have all the luck...

CPT season recap
...or maybe not quite ALL the luck. Despite his deified status, Sako's season has been extremely rocky, leading some to conclude that "age may finally be getting to [him]." Although the man did win the inaugural Capcom Cup back in 2013, he has never won any other premier-level event and hasn't won ANY event on the CPT tour AT ALL since he won a ranking event in October of last year. I won't go so far as to say that he's ready for the retirement home - I mean, hell, if Tom Brady can play football at 40 and Kelly Slater can keep surfing professionally at fucking 45, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that Sako is probably still physically capable of playing a video game.

Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
He may well have the cutest kid on the planet, the sickest combos in history, and the sharpest eyes in the bracket, but something is unquestionably going wrong for Sako this year. My guess is that SFV just isn't giving him the type of freedom to create combos and tech that he's used to - remember, this game was created to be Street Fighter For Dummies. But whatever the case may be, Sako hasn't found his groove yet in SFV, and there's no fucking way that he gets on track at the hardest tournament of the year.

"But wait," you say
If you're personally related to Sako, I apologize. The last thing I want to do is make his kid cry. But if you're anyone else who disagrees, you'd better give me a damn good reason why.
