Some people are fans of Gachikun. But many other people are NOT fans of Gachikun. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.
Your player
Gachikun - or, as the Brits say it, "Gachuchan!"
Sigh. No wonder they think we're all barbarians.
Career highlight
Um, none? Gachikun doesn't exactly have a storied past - he's more Houston Texans than Houston Rockets. His performance this year has been impressive, but he barely came out last year and he didn't have a consistent presence in the Street Fighter IV era. This is the closest thing to a tournament highlight that I could find, and it's not exactly Evo moment 37:
As Lee Chung would say, "LEARN TO TECH THROWS, ASSHOLE!"
Greatest strength
His taste in cartoons is impeccable:
If I went to a tournament and saw that my opponent had that stick, I would want to lose. Homer > waifu all day long.
Greatest weakness
Unfortunately for our young hero, Gachikun hasn't grown out of the tournament jitters just yet. According to Bonchan,
Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Gachikun is basically the anti-Ricki: he plays a strong character that was buffed after season 1, he's clearly committed to the game, and he's got a solid record of play this year, but he hasn't yet developed a killer's heart. And when you're at the highest levels of play, you need both. You need BOTH the skill AND the drive. You need BOTH the tech AND the guts. You need to be able to win with BOTH your head AND your chest. For now, though, Gachikun is MODOK: all head.
Just go back and watch that "highlight" again. How much of that had to do with Gachikun and how much of it had to do with the indecent corner pressure that his cheap-ass character gets? I mean, listen, I'm not saying that Gachikun doesn't have anything jaw-dropping in his game. Rashid is gross and Gachikun is no dummy, so I bet he does have something wicked waiting in his back pocket. But that's the problem: whatever he has, it's IN HIS BACK POCKET. By now, I kinda wanted him to shine a little, and not just because that'd make it easier to write this article. At some point during any competitive world championship, the winner has to pull themselves out of a seemingly impossible situation. That's where the best highlights come from: Evo 37, Snake Eyez running through NorCal, Hungrybox staving off elimination against Armada in 2016. The next time Gachikun has a highlight like that, it'll be his first, and that's not the position you want to occupy headed into Capcom Cup.
"But wait," you say
Gachikun does play Rashid, so you can't rule him out. Plus, he's on Daigo's radar, which ain't nothing. Maybe he gets the Nuckle Du treatment from last year and everybody else self-destructs or something - who knows. Anybody who envisions Gachikun hoisting the trophy, let me know.
Your player
Gachikun - or, as the Brits say it, "Gachuchan!"
Sigh. No wonder they think we're all barbarians.
Career highlight
Um, none? Gachikun doesn't exactly have a storied past - he's more Houston Texans than Houston Rockets. His performance this year has been impressive, but he barely came out last year and he didn't have a consistent presence in the Street Fighter IV era. This is the closest thing to a tournament highlight that I could find, and it's not exactly Evo moment 37:
As Lee Chung would say, "LEARN TO TECH THROWS, ASSHOLE!"
Greatest strength
His taste in cartoons is impeccable:
If I went to a tournament and saw that my opponent had that stick, I would want to lose. Homer > waifu all day long.
Greatest weakness
Unfortunately for our young hero, Gachikun hasn't grown out of the tournament jitters just yet. According to Bonchan,
"Gachikun is still weak in mentality. He will be tense [in big tournaments]... I have known him to tense up in a place like that. He is not yet as experienced as other attendees at that [type of] tournament."And it's one thing to have an opposing player say that about you. Everybody in the FGC talks at least a little trash (except maybe Verloren, the world's politest man), so it's natural for someone to call you out. But when you say the same shit about YOURSELF, that's really bad:
"For example, thinking of the disadvantaged position you'll be in if you throw out a Shoryuken and it doesn't hit... Or boldly going for a command grab. I can get pretty scared in situations like that and stop doing things or go into defensive mode."Kudos to the guy for being honest, I guess, but it's not a great idea to broadcast your self-doubt to the entire world just a few weeks before the biggest tournament of your life.
Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Gachikun is basically the anti-Ricki: he plays a strong character that was buffed after season 1, he's clearly committed to the game, and he's got a solid record of play this year, but he hasn't yet developed a killer's heart. And when you're at the highest levels of play, you need both. You need BOTH the skill AND the drive. You need BOTH the tech AND the guts. You need to be able to win with BOTH your head AND your chest. For now, though, Gachikun is MODOK: all head.
Just go back and watch that "highlight" again. How much of that had to do with Gachikun and how much of it had to do with the indecent corner pressure that his cheap-ass character gets? I mean, listen, I'm not saying that Gachikun doesn't have anything jaw-dropping in his game. Rashid is gross and Gachikun is no dummy, so I bet he does have something wicked waiting in his back pocket. But that's the problem: whatever he has, it's IN HIS BACK POCKET. By now, I kinda wanted him to shine a little, and not just because that'd make it easier to write this article. At some point during any competitive world championship, the winner has to pull themselves out of a seemingly impossible situation. That's where the best highlights come from: Evo 37, Snake Eyez running through NorCal, Hungrybox staving off elimination against Armada in 2016. The next time Gachikun has a highlight like that, it'll be his first, and that's not the position you want to occupy headed into Capcom Cup.
"But wait," you say
Gachikun does play Rashid, so you can't rule him out. Plus, he's on Daigo's radar, which ain't nothing. Maybe he gets the Nuckle Du treatment from last year and everybody else self-destructs or something - who knows. Anybody who envisions Gachikun hoisting the trophy, let me know.
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