CapCup 2017 player profile: DidimoKOF

Some people are fans of DidimoKOF. But many other people are NOT fans of DidimoKOF. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.

Your player
AAG | DidimoKOF, by far the most flexible member of the FGC:

Look at that shit - fuck Street Fighter, this dude should join the circus. I guarantee you that at least half of the players in Capcom Cup couldn't do that without falling off the stage and breaking something.

...wait, who?
DidimoKOF! You know - DidimoKOF? The guy? With the, uh, with the thing?

Okay, fine - outside of Brazil, probably nobody knows who the fuck this guy is. The only CPT win of his career came last month, in a tournament that Brolynho and MenaRD both skipped out on because - get this - "Brazilian laws prevented [Capcom] from offering [a prize]" at the event. (Side note to Brazil: WHAT THE FUCK, YOU ASSHOLES?) Or, actually - I take that back. Maybe people don't even know who he is IN Brazil, either. I mean, his buddies set up a crowdfunding page to try to get him to travel more, but it only reached about half of its goal even though he promised to "show the tricks of Dhalsim to the gringos." How could you say no to a pitch like that?

But seriously, though, here's what I know about the guy. DidimoKOF is one of the better players in the LatAm region, he mains Dhalsim, he got his start playing - wait for it - King of Fighters, he's named after a comedian, his joystick is fucking sick, and he looks up to Brolynho.

So, to put that into terms that most American readers can understand, think of it this way: he's like FChamp, only not an asshole.

Greatest strength
Natural talent, apparently? I mean, just check out this interview he did with Eventhubs - the man says that he didn't practice before his win at the LatAm qualifiers and that he's not a lab player in general. Take THAT, 801 Strider - that'll teach YOU to work your ass off and take the game seriously and whatnot. Don't you know that you're just supposed to show up and wing it?

Greatest weakness
Dhalsim. Dhalsim is hard mode for Street Fighter. If you pick Dhalsim, you're basically saying you don't want to win. Remember when everyone got all excited at the start of SFV because Sim had a cool teleport and mixup options and stuff? Yeah - how'd that go, again?

And the shitty thing is, Sim isn't a joke character. It's not like we're talking about Dan or Servbot or Pichu or something. Dhalsim is supposed to be a real character who has a real chance of winning. Every single time, though, he turns into a punching bag. There's just no way to design this character without 90% of the cast being a bad matchup for him. So on the one hand, I have a lot of respect for Sim loyalists - but on the other hand, ARE YOU PEOPLE CRAZY? Don't you want to, like, WIN? I'm not saying everyone has to jump on the Rashid bandwagon or anything, but Jesus Christ, at least give yourself a CHANCE.

Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Actually? I really want DidimoKOF to win. Yeah, he plays a weak character and his results aren't amazing and basically there's barely any hope of him winning a match, let alone the whole tournament. But just think what would happen if he won: Capcom would be forced to advertise an SNK game. The headline tomorrow? Would have "KOF" in it. The giant check they hand him? Would have "KOF" in it. Every single piece of branded corporate schlock coming out of this year's Capcom Cup would be an advertisement for the King of Fighters series.

So here's my proposal: everybody in Capcom Cup should add the name of a competitor's fighting game onto the end of their handle. Kazunoko should become KazunokoGGXrd. Dogura should become DoguraBlazBlue. Seriously, who wouldn't want to cheer for FuudoVF or TokidoTekken? This is the fighting game community, goddammit, not the fighting game monopoly. If there's any justice in the world, DidimoKOF will take this thing!

"But wait," you say
...okay, so there's no justice in the world and he's gonna lose. Fine. Fuck you.
