CapCup 2017 player profile: Verloren

Some people are fans of Verloren. But many other people are NOT fans of Verloren. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.

Your player

Wait, what? Two-time Evo winner Infiltration doesn't have enough points? Gee - maybe it's not such a great idea to intentionally pick a character that "has no future." Whoda thunk.

So, okay - your player

No? Seriously? Poongko didn't make it, either? Shit, man. What the fuck.

But, still, there IS a Korean player in Capcom Cup this year, right?

Ohhhhh that's right! Your player is...
GFuel | Verloren

Yep. He, uh. He sure isn't Infiltration or Poongko, that's for sure.

CPT season recap
Aside from leading Team Korea to a win in an exhibition over Team Japan - an exhibition, by the way, in which Verloren beat Nemo, Eita, ItaZan, and Momochi ALL IN A ROW - Verloren has been a lock for top 12 all year long. Out of his 12 tournament appearances so far, Verloren has 7 finishes inside the top 8 and has finished 9th another 3 times. So, basically, he's a child who's just learning how to swim and is still afraid of the water: he'll dip his toes oh so gently into the top 8, but he hasn't just jumped right in and made a big splash yet. Too bad we already did away with floaties - turns out he could use some.

Signature move
I didn't think that I would ever say this about someone in the FGC, but Verloren's signature is that he is the nicest human being who ever lived. By now, everyone knows about the clusterfuck at Evo, when Filipino Champ had some hardware problems onstream in the middle of a round that would've given a game to Verloren, only somehow FChamp convinced everyone to let it ride, then the match was moved offstream, then FChamp won. Here's what Verloren had to say about all that: "I don't have even 1% of ill will towards FChamp." Incredible, right? Like, I have ill will towards FChamp and I've never even met the guy. My friends watched ONE MATCH with FChamp in 2014 and IMMEDIATELY pegged him as an asshole. But Verloren gets robbed by the guy and STILL isn't mad at him? How is that POSSIBLE?

And that's not even all. Here's how he feels about Bonchan: "There's definitely something special about this person." Here's his take on the Korean FGC: "I feel like the scene around me in Korea is also really good." Here's him taking a selfie with Smug IN TOURNAMENT. Verloren is such a pure soul that even his nationality can't corrupt him:
Now, some of you may be unimpressed. You may think: isn't it easy to just be nice? Maybe it is for you. In the FGC, though, not so much. There's no shortage of players who trash-talk each other and hold grudges and go off on their local scenes. Shit, one time the stream chat went off on Shine for HOURS because he took a pause round from Smug at a fucking WEEKLY. Plus, if you're from either New York or Chicago, you know what it's like to have a regional food beef (#gratuitouspuns #JamesChen). But none of that clouds the purity of Verloren's enlightenment. I honestly don't know how the man does it.

But how's his taste in music?
I mean...
Fine? I guess? I mean, I like Queen as much as the next guy, but "Thanks to God" is probably taking it a WEE bit far.

Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Real simple: he's a very nice guy who hasn't won a CPT event all year. Not hard to do the math on that one. Verloren would probably be a really good friend, but there's no way I'm putting my Bison Bucks on him.

"But wait," you say
He can beat Japanese players, which is more than you can say for most American players. He's humble, which is also more than you can say for most American players. So, I dunno, it could be worse. Say something nice about Verloren in the comments.


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