CapCup 2017 player profile: Oil King

Some people are fans of Oil King. But many other people are NOT fans of Oil King. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.

Your player
Zowie | Oil King, owner of the world's deepest V-neck:

I look at that picture and all I see is CHEST. To quote Mr. X to the Z, that V-neck is "deep/How deep?/Deeper than Atlantis." Eat your heart out, Driftwood.

CPT season recap
If you don't know who Oil King is, that's forgivable. There's a goddamn Rashid ARMY forming right now, including not just Oil King but Gachikun (a.k.a. Gachuchan), Moke, prepubescent phenom John Takeuchi, and America's own JB. Of all of those Rashids, though, Oil King is the one with the most CPT points, not to mention the most hair. He's also the one who has about a million top 8 finishes, including a near-win at the Swedish Dreamhack. Or, as I like to think of him, he's the one who looks like he's cosplaying as Johnny Depp from Cry-Baby.

If that's not enough to help you remember him, though, this should do the trick:

You're welcome.

Greatest strength
His swag game. That shit is OFF THE FUCKING CHARTS.

Fuck, dude, leave some for the rest of us.

Greatest weakness
This is gonna sound a little weird, but hear me out: Oil King's greatest weakness is that he's "a student of Zowie's Bruce 'GamerBee' Hsiang." Now, I know what you're thinking: "FUCK YOU, I LOVE BRUCE." Which, okay, that's fair. Everyone loves Bruce - Bruce is great. But let's be honest: he's also the undisputed heartbreak king of Street Fighter.

Here's GamerBee's record at Evo: 5th, 17th, 2nd, 7th, 9th, 2nd again, 9th, and 33rd. That's pretty fucking good, right? I mean, he's basically a lock for top 16, and he's no stranger to top 8. But it has to SUCK to burn out in grand finals twice. And I'm not saying that GamerBee is bad. I'm just saying that he's the Karl Malone of the FGC, a surefire hall-of-famer who's forever doomed to be a runner-up. Choosing him as your mentor is just asking for trouble: "Gee, Mister Malone, you're so great - could you teach ME how to always get wrecked by a stronger opponent when it matters the most?" I know that GamerBee and Oil King are from the same country and that runs deep, but I'm just sayin', maybe go with Michael Jordan next time.

But how does he feel about cheap characters?
Pretty salty, I guess:
As the kids say: lul.

Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Well, for one thing, unless he wears a scarf or some shit, he's gonna catch a serious cold. I'm telling you, those V-necks are halfway to Dios-X-versus-Killer-Kai status.

But also, one, if you can't fight Ibuki, you're fucked. Xian and Yukadon have some nasty stuff, and there's no way that both of those guys are going down early. And two, again, GamerBee is a tragic figure, the true inheritor of the second-place curse. So until Oil King completely transcends his training and becomes even more of a master than GamerBee is, he can't win. Shit, with the field as stacked as it is, even second place would be an accomplishment. A win is completely out of the question.

"But wait," you say
The man dresses so well he makes Psy (remember Psy? He was fun, wasn't he?) look like Bill Belichick. His strategic swag reserves could last the entire country of Taiwan through at least 2025. So clearly he's got SOMETHING going for him. Let me know how this translates into his play in the comments.


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