CapCup 2017 player profile: Fuudo

Some people are fans of Fuudo. But many other people are NOT fans of Fuudo. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.

Your player
GRPT | Fuudo
Nice try, buddy, but Harry Potter couldn't have been Japanese. Not enough tentacle monsters or giant robots.

Which is pronounced...
"Food." Unless you're American, in which case you say "foo-doe," because AMURCA, GOTDANGIT.

Personal history
Here are some Fun Fuudo Facts(tm), courtesy of IGN:
  • He used to work for a magazine
  • He "[doesn't] really like games where you have to think"
  • He's originally from Chiba
  • He, uh, he plays a lot of video games (thanks, IGN - thanks for that)
  • He sometimes orders drinks that are approximately as tall as he is
So, essentially, he's just a regular guy! Why, when he attended Evo in 2011, he didn't even "specially prepare and practice" for it!

Oh - except he won Street Fighter at that Evo. I guess that's probably relevant.

CPT season recap
After being the victim of the most famous download in history in the 2016 Evo grand finals, Fuudo has been Mister Runner-Up this year, placing either second or third in FIVE separate premier events. For a guy who doesn't like to THINK OR PRACTICE, that's pretty fucking good. On the other hand, though, he's got zero wins so far, which is not so good. So overall he's kinda pulling an Allen Iverson, only without the hilarious press conferences.

And the crazy thing is, this is NORMAL for Fuudo. Some people in the CPT are grinders, traveling the world and attending as many tournaments as possible in order to scrape together enough points to qualify for the Cup. But not Fuudo! He's been a top-8 regular practically forever, and he typically doesn't attend more than nine or ten tournaments in a year. Basically, he somehow manages to be an elite Street Fighter player PART TIME. What happened to that 10,000 hours shit? What happened to working on your craft? Fuck you, Malcolm Gladwell, you fucking lied to me, and fuck you, Fuudo, for making the rest of us look bad.

Wha- uh, I, uh...
Do you ever get the feeling that Japan is weird?

Sometimes I get that feeling.

But did he beat Mike Ross?
That he did, my friends. That he did.

Also, shoutouts to Marn for the expert post-match analysis. "What a scrub" indeed.

Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Here's the sad truth about Fuudo: he's too easygoing for today's eSports world. He just doesn't have the cutthroat win-or-die mentality of someone like a Punk or a Problem X. He's happy when he wins, and when he loses he just thinks, "Well, it was nice that I took part." Like a gentle, innocent rabbit that was raised in the woods and then wanders out onto a busy freeway, Fuudo just isn't built for the situation he finds himself in. Last year, for example, he was eliminated from Final Round because of a stick malfunction and then ESPN censored his choice of costume during Evo. That shit would NEVER have happened in the FGC of 2011. But it's not 2011 anymore, and Fuudo needs to wake up. The Good Guy Greg version of Fuudo was a world champion in the old FGC, but that same guy can't be a world champion in the new age.

"But wait," you say
Fuudo is one of the few to ever make Evo grand finals twice, and he's a perennial threat. He's also meme-tastic and, scientifically, is just slightly more adorable than an entire Care Bear village. Share your love for Fuudo in the comments.
