CapCup 2017 player profile: Luffy

Some people are fans of Luffy. But many other people are NOT fans of Luffy. This article is for those in the latter group. And yes, I did completely steal this idea from Drew Magary. So sue me.

Your player
Method RB | Luffy

Louffy, Luffree

Personal history
Luffy is a walking controversy. After picking up Street Fighter in 2010 because it was the only title he recognized at the store, Luffy, a Frenchman, went on to become the first player outside of Asia to win a main Street Fighter title at Evo - a feat, incidentally, that America STILL hasn't managed to replicate. (THANKS FOR NOTHING, PUNK.) Already that's hella complicated. Recognizing Street Fighter: good. Not having any interest in the game prior to 2010: bad. Using a character from One Piece for his handle: good, so far as most people are concerned. Being from France: bad, so far as most people are concerned. If you're keeping score at home, you may want to bust out a chalkboard, because we're not done.

Winning Evo, obviously, makes Luffy look pretty damn good. But he got his win by abusing Street Fighter IV's stupid, terrible backdash invincibility, and he was blessed by the Street Fighter gods when he arrived in grand finals to find Bonchan's Sagat waiting for him, which is basically a 10-0 matchup in Rose's favor. Much like the facts of life, when it comes to Luffy you have to take the good with the bad.

So, on the one hand, he'll forever hold a unique place in the Street Fighter record books - but, on the other hand, it's super-tempting to put a big, flashing neon asterisk on that record. Basically, Luffy is Joe Flacco: half of the FGC swears that he's "ELITE" and a world champion, while the other half of the FGC thinks that he's shit and that he's boring and that he's a fraud. Which side is right? Good fucking question! But I do know one thing: if he wins a second world title, that'll pretty much end the debate.

But does he know how to party?
Oh hell yes:
Say what you want about Luffy's rank as a fighting game player, he is an S-tier party monster. No wonder he once had to back out of a major money match because he was too hung over.

Are his shoes hotter than yours?
Again, yes:

Although, please, by all means: if you think your shoes are spicier than that, show me in the comments. I would LOVE to have that conversation. I mean, c'mon - even Macklemore would have to leave the thrift store to get these shoes.

Why he's getting bodied at Capcom Cup
Here's a fun tidbit: did you know that he initially picked up Rose "because of the size of her breasts"? Hmmm - I wonder why he settled on Mika in SFV even though he called her low-tier...

Speaking of which, here's a crazy thought: maybe picking a character based solely on cup size isn't actually a reliable strategy. Back at the beginning of last year, Luffy said that he was looking for a "zoning- and footsies-based character, like someone that can play fullscreen and miscreen really well." Which - surprise! - sounds an awful lot like he wanted Rose. Instead, though, he settled on R. Mika, who is THE EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE OF A ZONING- AND FOOTSIES-BASED CHARACTER. She has no projectiles and she has no surprise get-in moves like Akuma's demon flip or Birdie's dive, so her fullscreen game is basically nonexistent. Her buttons are fine, but they won't dominate you, and her movement is maybe slightly above average at best. Really, Mika's entire game is based around cornering you in order to take away your defensive options and then doing horrible, horrible things to your soft, vulnerable body. When things are going Mika's way, it's all close-range offense all the time, no zoning or footsies (or thinking) required.

But, okay, Luffy has his priorities. He's even got the anime nosebleed to prove it. So, yeah, what's the story of why Luffy is going down at Capcom Cup this year? "Never trust a big butt and a smile."

"Mais attendez," tu dis
Okay, in fairness, it's not like Mika is a bad character. She won last year's Capcom Cup, after all, so at least Luffy has a shot. Go ahead and explain to me in the comments why his obsession with mammaries won't cause him to blow that shot prematurely.


  1. Luffy is free to japanese players. You're right.

    1. The crazy thing is he's not even strong against Europe anymore! He's the third-best European player in the rankings, and he loses pretty consistently to Phenom and Problem. Like, who the fuck is he gonna be able to beat? Not Asia, not Europe, not Punk or Nuckle Du - how do you cut a path between all of that?


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