Look around you. What do you see? Politics is a shitshow, we're actively trying to light the planet on fire, there are refugees everywhere, that guy with the gloves and the silly beard was right about the rent, and Fox still owns the movie rights to the X-Men, which means we'll NEVER EVER EVER EVER get to see a good X-Movie. Seriously, remember what those fuckers did to Gambit? Remember how godawful the Phoenix movie was? Jesus bicycle-riding Christ, what a disaster. They almost make DC look competent. Almost.

Sorry - got a little sidetracked there. My point is this: what does the world need now? I'll fucking tell you what the world needs now: YET ANOTHER BLOG ABOUT THE FIGHTING GAME COMMUNITY. But I'm not talking about just any blog, oh no. I'm talking about a blog that's PURE, UNADULTERATED OPINION. You want fair journalism and responsible reportage and even-handedness? We've already got Shoryuken and Eventhubs and iplaywinner and FGCnow and UltraChen's Tuesday Show and Marvel LIVE! and Kotaku and who knows what all else. That's not what this site is about.

This site is about having fun. The FGC is special because it's not about being responsible or even-handed or fair. In the FGC, it's good to be clean - but it's even better to be dirty. Here in the FGC, we use the cheap stuff. We're scumbags and tier whores. If you joined the FGC because you saw some Stepford-husband Ken doll talking about us on ESPN, then you are in the wrong place, my friend. But if you joined the FGC because you feel it in your goddamn chest when you land an uppercut, THIS MIGHT JUST BE THE BLOG FOR YOU.

On this blog, we know that "PERFECT" only has five letters. We know that it's possible to lose 13-0 in a first-to-ten set. We are both monsters and warriors. We put on the shades, we tech those, and we will ABSOLUTELY take the round if your stick malfunctions. The currency of our great nation is the Bison dollar, and our most plentiful natural resource is the meme. Yes, our commentary is biased. Yes, there will be thuggery. But why put up your quarter if you don't intend to play?

So that's what it is. Take it or leave it, but don't think you can change it. Ours is the kingdom of poverty and the power of nothingness, forever and ever, amen.

Welcome to The Salt Mines, motherfuckers.
